
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Why we need art and music part 1

I was never an artist...

As a child, the best present I could EVER be given was a box of crayons, you know the BIG one 64 colors, BLISS.  I did not put too much thought in to that, isn't that what EVERY kid wants?  I thought so.

Growing up in the 70's,  girls and women were secretaries, teachers, nurses or mothers.  In my world anyway.  This is NOT a complaint about the way I was raised, or my mother or women in general :) This is just my interpretation. My mother was an amazing artist, went to art school and played classical piano, but opted to be a GREAT mother to 5 children.  She went to nursing school at age 50, just because she wanted something of her own.  Amazing woman!

 I went to college to be a secretary to make my father happy.  I hated school and it just was not what I wanted.  But I got through it somehow and became a receptionist/secretary for a lawfrim.  I loved it for 15 years!  I was actually good at it.

When I gave birth to my daughter, it was like the heavens opened and I had a revalation!  I loved being a mom and that seemed to be my purpose.  When I had my son, I took my pension early, left the workplace - for better or worse - and raised my children.  Seeing as they are the most amazing people, I feel secure that I did the right thing.  At least I hope they think so.  They are the ones that matter.

Along the way, I discovered sewing, as my daughter wanted doll clothes and costumes, ok that's what we do!  I didn't just like doing that I LOVED doing that.  I taught myself all of it, with some help from a wonderful woman who owned a fabric store!  Of course I discovered QUILTING at the fabric store, and if any of you quilt, you know the obsession never leaves and you truly can never have too much fabric!!

Somewhere is all this sewing, I discovered dollmaking.  The connections between dolls and fabric and quilts just seemed natural.  Of course the natural progression from that is someone saying, "I'll bet people would buy that, gee, you should sell those!"

As the last 25 have passed, I have made countless dolls, which in turn after dolls seemed to die off, went to all manner of fiber art.  The old saying of if I knew what people would buy, it is all I would ever make, still holds.  Clearly I have no idea what people will buy.

As an artist, and I still say that tentatively, I make what I LOVE.  I create what I hope will make people happy.  That is the subject of this, that ART should make you smile, make you think, and should be made available to anyone who would like it.

Do to HAVE to have a small ornament to brighten up a space?  No, but why not.  If it makes you happy, then you should.  Why is art considered a luxury?  I would think that making one happy is more of a necessity, like food and water :)  Do I say that because I want to sell my art?  The honest answer is sure, I want to sell my art.  I also buy art, and handmade from several artists.  I would much rather buy a gift from a handmade artist than say Walmart or the Christmas Tree Shop.  Can you buy a Santa cheaper than you can from me.  Of course.  I don't use cheap materials and a hot glue gun to put things together in an assembly line.  This is not snobbery, this is just not what I do.  If you can't afford something of mine - ASK ME. I do custom work.  I am a human, talk to me, tell me your budget.  I would rather you have a nice piece of art that you feel good about and can tell your friends and family about.  Alas some people just need to say that got that great bargain, as opposed to look at this sweet piece of art.  There will always be people like that, and nothing we, as artists, can do about that.

Many artists are actually trying to make a living from their art.  I jokingly say, wow I would starve.  I am not so bold as to say I would even attempt to have this as my only job - that is a dream that is shared with winning the lottery!  However, to know that someone has a piece of my art, not because they felt compelled to buy just to buy, but were compelled to buy because they loved it.  Or it spoke to them, or they had a friend who would love it.  Sometimes when doing a art/craft show the demand is different.  People are there to buy, so you really want them to BUY YOUR GOODS!  That is paramount.  All the work you put into setting up, lugging your stuff, freezing, roasting.  Selling online from a website is different.  You could actually make search engine optimization a full-time job.  Getting found online is not for sissies for sure.  It changes constantly and I never seem to know what people are looking for haha.

I make the things I make because they make me happy and craft as therapy is a definite thing!  Not sure where I would be without "my work".  I say "work" because that word denotes receiving payment for such.  Some days I do and most I don't, but I keep hoping - everyday.

That brings me back around to NEEDING art.  Do we really NEED art?  In my opinion, a resounding YES, yes we do.

Next up - Why we need art and music part 2

Monday, May 27, 2019

Cards from mountain dolls

Quick blog post working on videos for some of my things.  I would love to hear what you think.

So use the contact me link on my site and tell me how you like my little video I made about the cards I have for sale at  Mountain Dolls

NEXT UP:  Why we need Art & Music

#videopromo #videopromotion #youtube #fiberarts #embroideryart #greetingcards #handembroideredcards #alloccasioncards #mountaindolls

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

ArtisansOfAmerica: MountainDolls - Fiber Art, Embroidery Art, OOAK Do...

ArtisansOfAmerica: MountainDolls - Fiber Art, Embroidery Art, OOAK Do...:  Janice Parrott is creating unique items in Albany, New York.  She creates unique and one of a kind (OOAK) items with beautiful hand stitchi...

Sunday, October 28, 2018

I LOVE Color! So Color My World.

That song by Chicago was always one of my favs :)
If you look at my avatar, it is very clear that I love color. Bright color - ALL THE TIME. Some of my favorite pieces that I have made are rainbow themed pieces.

Rainbow butterfly. One of my very fav all time mug rugs

This is recent, I loved making this - the flowers are all wool. I still have some left, just message me for a custom mugrug :) Janice@mountaindolls.com

This rainbow and shooting stars mug rug is available

Do you think I like pieces with LOTS and LOTS of color? Oh yes I do, just keep going :)

Everyone loves unicorns - This is made to order. DO you NEED a unicorn? Just send me a message

Even Pastel-y Easter can have nice bright colors

Rainbow love :)

She's my avatar :)

Ok, got the picture? Seeing a pattern??

My latest garland is a baby garland, which you can see here And here...

Baby's room garland with LOTS of color and imagery

When researching crazy SEO tags and descriptions and what-not, I Googled baby's room decor. From literally hundreds and hundreds of images, maybe there were 3 or 4 images that were not gray, beige, ecru or white. Even the palest yellow was noticeably absent!

Just gray, gray, gray. Beige, beige, beige.
Mind you, I actually love gray, I make a ton of things in gray. Why? Because they photograph well! I admit it, that's why I make things in grey. Black too.
Seriously though, does no one want babies to see color. Ok I know I know supposedly they don't even see in color for however length of time. I love bright and exciting colors and I will continue to love them, even if they are not in vogue!

I used to work in a quilt store and many shall we say more age advanced ladies would come in wanting help to match colors with their quilts. Of course I am that age now haha - oh TIME you do have a sense of irony :) Some of the women would look at me in horror if I even hinted at a gorgeous deep red or blue or purple (or God forbid GREEN!) to go with their pastels or their beiges, or 30's repro. Now mind you all these people did BEAUTIFUL work, but I always liked the ones that came in with beads on their quilts or something with lime green and fuschia - that was the best! Something with pizazz.

So ok lately we have to be sedate, beige or grey, white and pale yellow. Sorry not me, I am sticking with my RAINbow colors until they are trending again. I create what I like what I create.

Even if they don't trend, and I can't sell them, I am sticking with them :) I love you bright colors and I am a loyal true friend :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Welcome to Mountain Dolls

Thank you for joining me. As this is my very first blog post here on Wix, I thought I would show you what I am working on. As I am always working on something, I find it difficult to always share a WIP (work in progress) I just figure hey, it will be listed in a couple of days, so why bother to post something that is not done.

I think many people have varying views on a #WIP. Some people, like me sometimes, are just busy and need to get on with it. There are others who don't like to spend they're hard earned cash on something, if they don't know what's involved in the process. I think it's ok either way. If anyone ever wants to know or see how I do something, feel free to ask.

So since this is my first post, I will post something simple. I though I would make some little #crossbody #bags. I am doing a craft show next month, and I know so many people don't want to have to carry a large purse - I know I don't! While the idea of a cross body bag #purse is certainly not new, I like to think mine are fun and unique. Here is a finished one I made for myself:

The one I made for myself was just a tester really to see proper measurements and how it would go together. I am a very visual person and seeing how something is going to turn out is great. That being said, I almost never do that haha. I never, ever like to waste any fabric or anything else. I think that comes from quilting for many years with little or no money, so every little piece was used, and hey isn't that the idea of quilting?? But that's another blog for another day :)

No the one I want to sell I thought should have a bit more pizazz! I love color, hence the pizazz! :) I also love animals and flowers, so whenever I can combine lots of color, animals & #flowers, I am happy! This one will be the first one listed - when it's done of course :) It's all wool felt with cotton fabric for the lining and a hook-and-loop fastener (we're not allowed to use the "V" word ;)) I have a dog and he will get his own blog post for sure, but I thought since my son is getting an orange #kitten this week, a #cat #kitty purse is in order.

These bags have a hook-and-loop fastener, and will fit some credit cards and a small wad of cash! We know craft show people LOVE cash. I am finding though that it is quite easy to accept credit cards at a craft show. I use the #Square and it works great!

So if you have stayed with me this long, I thank you and I hope to post more WIPs very soon.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Beginnings at the End

You can buy Colton's album by clicking the BUY NOW button, which will take you directly to the PAYPAL checkout.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Book Excerpt

Here is an excerpt from the prologue of my second book in the Tales from the Helderbergs.  The book is titled "Sandie, The Search at Vultures' Peak"
...The weary traveler lumbered slowly up to the cliffs, knowing this would be a difficult journey, and his last.

The path to Vulture’s peak is so well hidden, it could easily be missed by even the keenest of eyes.   He knew that if he came to the great waterfall, he would have gone too far. The traveler stopped to catch his breath, one of many stops he would make this day. 

As he slowly made his way up the side of the mountain, his eyes kept veering to the left, searching for the small opening that would lead him straight up the vertical to vulture’s peak.  These same eyes, he knew, would soon darken never to look upon anything again.

He could fly to the top, he supposed, but he wanted this time, this last time, to be special; to be with the mountain, with the world, one last time.  He leaned against a large boulder, thinking of the things he would miss, and he let his mind wander.

His name was Aengus.  Long ago, he was once tall and handsome; light haired, with a big smiling face and his light blue eyes full of laughter.  His great bright black and green wings had stood out proudly at his back...
You can buy the first book, Lacie and The Goose here: